Friday, November 12, 2010

Time for some Stashbustin'

It's about time I started Stashbustin'. I've been trying to do a bit of organizing in my sewing room, since I find it's easier to be a productive sewer in a relatively tidy space. And I certainly haven't been a very productive sewer as of late. During this general tidying I found about 12 projects I had started and never finished... so right now they are all in (tidy!) little piles waiting to be sewn up. And sewn up they will be! I've decided I'm not going to start on my Elizabeth Taylor Project until I have these little bits all completed and out of the way. Another discovery while putting things away was that I've run out of room in my cabinet for storing fabric... 

See how I've had to start stuffing things in sideways? 
Of course it's about the same time as I've made these realizations that my guy texts me to ask how things are at home and I confess that maybe I have a small problem? And get the "I told you so" to be expected. So it's time to make an effort to sew up most of this stash before it gets really out of hand. Not to mention that I recently received a tote full of satins and laces most with matching linings! from my guy's mother. She used to be a dressmaker, but now mostly sews up items such as meditation pillows for charity events and is trying her hand at quilting right now. She still has a bigger stash than me, as do many sewers, but I'd like to attempt to keep mine under control since it starts to feel like although any new yardage is lovely and exciting, it's distracting me from the projects I should be working on...or about 12 cases. Oops. 

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, my sewing room is only about 6x6 foot and it full of so much stuff I can barely get to my sewing machine to sew anything.....Yet I still keep stashing.
